It was worth the price of admission just to hear all the great music. As another writer noted, the character could have been developed a bit more then it was. I liked the movie, but was not crazy about it.

Hector could have been the biggest personality ever, but he blew that gig, sorry to say. Anyone who was raised in New York, the City and the Bronx understands that the drugs consumed most musicians.

Drugs were prevalent, and he made it a part of his life. Hector Lavoe unfortunately was too involved in drugs from the onset.this was part of the musician's scene at the time. One point I would like to make, Marc Anthony at the present time is the king of Salsa. However, Hector had this easy style of singing and held you until he was finished. I saw them all, from Tito Rodriguez, Pacheco, Kako and Tito Puente, etc. I went to almost all the venues that Hector played in, including the Palladium, which was the place to go. domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019 Descargar Super PACK Exitos lo Mejor de los 90s MEGA Descargar PACK grandes Exitos 90s rock baladas ingles MEGA googledrive Los temas mas sonados de los 90 una recopilacion de megadisco para todos nuestro visitantes. Discografia Completa De MARC ANTHONY Por Mega 1 Link. Marc Anthony was great as Hector Lavoe, and Jennifer Lopez was equally as good as Puchi. Удостоена звезды на Аллее славы Голливуда.I couldn't wait to see this movie, however, it was a little disappointing because of the jumpy and sloppy editing.

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